- 科学 science; scientific knowledg ...
- 耕作 tilth; tillage; cultivation; ...
- 种田 till the land; farm
- 科学耕作 科学种田 scientificagriculture
- 科学耕作 scientific agriculture
- 生物动力学耕作 biodynamic farming
- 科学种田 scientific agriculture; scientific farming
- 科学种田的尖兵 pioneers in scientific farming
- 科学种田的经验值得推广 the experience of scientific planting is worth popularizing
- 耕作 tilth; tillage; cultivation; farming 粗放耕作 extensive cultivation; 耕作层 plough layer; arable layer; plough borizon; 耕作法 expedient of tillage; 耕作方法 methods of cultivation; farming methods; 耕作机械 tillage machine; 耕作技术 farming technique; 耕作农具 tillage implements; 耕作熟化层 agrichorizon; 耕作土 [地质学] mold; 耕作土壤 anthropogenic soil; cultivated soil; cropped soil; 耕作土壤改良 cultivational amelioration; 耕作拖拉机 roy-crop tractor; 耕作者 tiller; cultivator
- 育种田 breeding field
- 制种田 seed farm
- 种田人 boer farmer
- 靠种田为生 live on the land
- 种田, 从事农业 beat the plough; hold the plough
- 种田类型 type of nursery
- 种田阳平 yohei taneda
- 大耕作 grand culture
- 耕作, 耕地 tilth
- 耕作,栽培 cultivate
- 耕作,培植 cultivate
- 耕作;培养 cultivate
- 耕作病 reclamation disease
- 耕作层 arable layer; cultivated horizon; cultivation layer; player; plough horizon; plough layer; plow layer; plowed layer; plowing horizon
- 耕作的 agricultural; geoponic